Want to join Hooters on Scooters?

With your membership you get planned monthly rides, a membership T-shirt, a donation to the Foundation for Breast Cancer, and a membership card allowing you 10% off merchandise at Vespa Oklahoma, Honda of Tulsa, and 10% off of accessories from Metric Cycles (items may vary for discount)... Can't go wrong being one of the HOS!

Please click on New Member Form listed below, fill out, and send your dues to:
Hooters on Scooters | 28391 E. 94th St South. | Broken Arrow , OK 74014

New Membership Dues: $35.00 | Membership Renewal: $20.00
**All memberships expire March 1st.

City: State: Zip:
Phone Number: Cell Phone:
E-Mail Address:
T-Shirt Size: SM   MED   LG   XL   Other

In Case of emergency, please provide contact information. Please note, contact must be someone not already a member of Hooters on Scooters.

Phone Number: Cell Phone:

Please provide information about the scooter you will be riding.

Year: Make: